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Apparently Only the Muslims Turn into Zombies

March 15th, 2010

From that perpetual font of balanced goodness, Fox News:

The 6-year-old son of a Colorado nursing student who ran off to Europe to join a terrorist murder cell was brainwashed into a hate-filled Islamic fundamentalist zombie…

Ever see Jesus Camp? Funny how if the parent is a Christian Fundamentalist, we don’t hear about their kids being “brainwashed” in mass media reports, not to mention turned into zombies. Not to mention the parent as well. This being in line with the paradigm which says that if they’re Christians, or right-wingers, then they’re not terrorists when they crash planes into buildings or shoot people to death as part of a larger campaign.

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  1. Hachi Gatsu
    March 15th, 2010 at 04:26 | #1

    That movie creeped me out. especially when the kids were pretty much worshiping the card board cut out of George Bush.

  2. March 17th, 2010 at 17:23 | #2

    Wow, this is insightful. I’d never thought a movie like this existed

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