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Voting on Death’s Door

November 1st, 2004

This article from USA Today tells of “Ghost Ballots,” where people who are dying cast absentee ballots before election day die before the official day of counting (for the election, that is) comes around. The article implies that such ballots should not be counted, and seems to cast the idea of Ghost Ballots being counted as an unfavorable thing. The question is, why? What, these people didn’t earn the right to vote? You’re going to tell an American of so many years that they can’t have their vote counted because they couldn’t hold on a few more days? And as the article points out, what if the vote comes from a soldier in Iraq who dies before November 2?

Frankly, I don’t care if Ghost Ballots are more Republican than Democrat–it simply offends me that these people, having come so far and so close, should be denied one last chance to cast their vote. They’ve earned it.

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