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TypeKey Aggravations

August 8th, 2005

Okay, TypeKey is beginning to really tick me off.

First of all, I can’t stay logged into the damned service. It seems to expire within fifteen minutes or so. I use Safari with PithHelmet, and have been very careful to remove all restrictions on cookies from both preferences; both my site and the TypeKey site have full allowance to use whatever cookies they want, for an indefinite length of time. Ergo, if the TypeKey cookie allows you to stay logged in, my browser is fully set to allow that.

However, despite TypeKey’s “keep me logged in for two weeks” option, the cookie expires rapidly. Now, it is annoying to have to sign in every single time I comment, but that I can live with. However, the login expires so rapidly that it sometimes cuts out before I can even post a comment (which often takes me some time to do). It also expires if I write several comments over several posts and take too long to do it. Worse yet, when it expires, there is no going back short of quitting the browser. Even if I log out of TypeKey and sign myself back in, my blog treats me as if I’m never logged in, even if it says I am. And worst, if I submit a comment in that state, the comment will be generated in my control panel for my blog, but it will never appear in the blog itself, no matter how I save or rebuild.

Has anyone else experienced this?

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  1. August 8th, 2005 at 14:14 | #1

    There’s definitely some situations where the TypeKey cookie isn’t being remembered as long as it should be, and we’re working to fix those bugs. Thanks for the detailed feedback, I’ll be passing it on to the TypeKey team so we can address this in an update.

  2. YKW
    August 9th, 2005 at 02:43 | #2

    Two Ideas for a Better BlogD:

    1) One thing that might help folks that read your blog is to hot link the key words in the blog, so that folks who are not you can key into what you are talking about (e.g. link to Typekey info, link to info on wireless phone info, etc). Some of the time, I get lost in the terminology, and if there was a link, I could click it an learn something new, which would be fun !

    2) The font you are using is probably a good size for your computers, yet other computers may show it too big or too small. On my laptop (1900 x 1200) the font is so small I can’t read it unless I pull my head close to the screen. I tried doing VIEW : TEXT SIZE : LARGER, yet the fonts are fixed size. What to do?

    This guy tested 276 different monitor/os/stylesheet combos and found something that was reasonable:



    For an example of a site that does what he recommends, see




  3. BlogD
    August 10th, 2005 at 15:04 | #3

    YKW: I’ll try to provide links to the more technical terms. As for font size, in the past, I’ve gotten feedback that the text is too small and too big. This is often an artifact of the browser settings and screen size of the reader. If you have high resolution like you do, the text appears to small; but if I make the size right for you, then to someone still using an 800×600, it looks huge. People also have browsers set to various default text sizes. So it is impossible to have a size that suits everyone. As a result, I have set the size to a standard 12 point.

    There is an easy solution for readers: control the font size on your browser. If you use Mozilla, Firefox or Safari, simply use a CTRL and +, or on the Mac, a CMD and + to increase, and a – to decrease. In IE, I don’t think there is a keyboard command, but the text should be resizable via the VIEW menu.

  4. November 19th, 2005 at 17:47 | #4

    Did this “two weeks… AS IF!” problem with TypeKey ever get resolved? If so, any chance MT/6A would like to share how? My old thread on the support boards about this went momentously unanswered, though I see Anil make it over here where most MT/TK would never actually see it, and I’d like to maybe actually not have this issue any more.

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