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This Is Leadership

June 5th, 2006

Oil is reaching $75 a barrel (up from $21.50 at the end of 2000, just before Bush took office, by the way), and Iran is threatening to devastate the U.S. economy with massive oil price increases if we do not stop interfering with their nuclear program. Peak oil further threatens our energy security, and energy companies are running off unchecked with tens of billions of dollars in usurious profits. The situation in Iraq continues to deteriorate, now with reports of American troops killing civilians destabilizing the local landscape even further, and giving America a dark and sickening image in Iraq and worldwide, as sectarian violence continues to escalate, with Iraqis killing Iraqis as well as our troops, the last two months being much bloodier than average in the continuing conflict. Meanwhile, the national budget continues with huge debt, deficits, and massive porkbarrel overspending as more and more widespread corruption among congressional Republicans is revealed and more tax breaks for millionaires flow from Washington. Meanwhile, tens of millions of Americans, especially children, don’t have health insurance, American jobs are getting crappier, the minimum wage festers as more and more Americans drop into poverty after it declined under Clinton.

So with all this crisis, with so much threatening the well-being of our nation, what are Bush and congressional Republicans–who control the course of debate and voting in the nation’s capital–deciding to spend time on?

A constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.

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  1. Manok
    June 7th, 2006 at 08:01 | #1

    Gay marriage, I find it not so tasteful, but many countries of the world allow it, and more and more are following. It’s an illusion to try to stop it in the States: it’s only a matter of (quite a lot of) time.

    Will it then go the same as with the rights for black people? After 200 years or so they finally had all the same rights, and just a few years later South Africa was boycotted because of “apartheid”. So, once in 2040 the U.S. finally has gay marriages, in 2042 they’ll start blasting all these countries that still ban these marriages?

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