Home > Political Ranting > Coverup


April 12th, 2007

If there were any evidence that the White House has violated the law and is covering it up, this is it:

The White House said Wednesday it had mishandled Republican Party-sponsored e-mail accounts used by nearly two dozen presidential aides, resulting in the loss of an undetermined number of e-mails concerning official White House business.

In what was, by the confession of many involved by their own statements, a deliberate attempt to circumvent laws requiring accountability by leaving permanent records, many White House staffers used private email accounts to conduct official business. Because this in itself is in clear violation of that law, you should expect no one to be punished. This is the Bush White House, after all.

But now we hear that these emails have now been accidentally “lost.”

Gee whiz, really?

By the way:

Through the implementation of records management controls and other necessary actions, the President shall take all such steps as may be necessary to assure that the activities, deliberations, decisions, and policies that reflect the performance of his constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties are adequately documented and that such records are maintained as Presidential records pursuant to the requirements of this section and other provisions of law.

Seems pretty clear Bush broke that law. In addition to all the other laws he’s broken, high and low.

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