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How Nice

May 9th, 2003

OK, I gotta point you to this article [Editor’s note: the original article was removed, so I have reproduced it here.] on the American Family Association website by Rev. Mark H. Creech, executive director of the Christian Action League of North Carolina.

Essentially, he says that only Christians are truly capable of being good people; that no matter how generous, kind, loving and benevolent, no matter how free from sin, if you do not Believe then you are going straight to hell. He even compares people who try to do “the greatest good to the greatest number” to Adolf Hitler. I am not making this up–it’s in the third paragraph.

If nothing else, this article is (a) good for a laugh, or (b) an excellent source of logical fallacies for those sharpening their critical thinking skills.

However, it does touch on what I have myself gathered from the evangelicals in the U.S. constantly trying to stick the Ten Commandments everywhere in sight, claiming that it will solve problems with crime or ill behavior. The bone I have to pick is with the idea that morality can only be taught in the context of religion (else why not just post a list of dos and don’ts, or at least use a non-religious context so as to remove the problem of church-and-state). This in turn suggests that without religion, one cannot be moral. The above article showcases exactly that point of view.

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