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Lame Plane Claim

June 5th, 2008

McCain’s feeble joke within his debate proposal:

McCain also suggested the two candidates fly together to the meetings, joking that that would save energy and money.

“I even suggested we travel to them together on the same plane, probably help out on energy savings,” he said to applause from an audience in Baton Rouge.

No problem, McSame: you can both commute on your wife’s private corporate jet–you know, the one you’ve been monopolizing to get around campaign finance laws, violating even your own self-set policies.

Funny how nobody in the Liberal Media™, which has been giving wide play to McCain’s ‘joke,’ has so much as mentioned the corporate jet, much less gone for this low-hanging fruit of a jab, something the media usually leaps at. Oh, wait–I know why: the media has completely failed to report on stories like McCain’s immersion in lobbyists or the corporate jet story, so no one would get the jibe if they used it.

Categories: "Liberal" Media, Corruption, Election 2008 Tags: by
  1. ykw
    June 6th, 2008 at 01:45 | #1

    I like the idea of the two of them traveling and campaigning, and meeting together at town halls. It will show the other dems and repubs that both side can get along. Perhaps the two can hammer out some compromised legistlation while traveling.

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