Home > Focus on Japan 2008, Mac News > iPhone Japan: July 11 from SoftBank

iPhone Japan: July 11 from SoftBank

June 10th, 2008

I guess you didn’t want my business after all, DoCoMo–and you may very well lose my wife’s business, too. She mentioned a while back that she wanted to be on the same service as me.

But the big news is the release date; despite what the people at the SoftBank store told me last week, the iPhone will be released in Japan on July 11, much sooner than I expected–exactly the same time as everywhere else, in fact. No information on pricing, but you can bet that I’ll be calling SoftBank soon about that.

Disappointments: it’s still only 8GB and 16GB, and the camera is still only 2 megapixels. What’s with that, Apple? Leaving room for an upgrade a few months later in case sales sag?

Not disappointed: no video camera on the front. Sure, it would have been fun, but far from necessary. The features of MobileMe look a lot more appealing. I’ll probably be finally breaking down and getting that.

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  1. June 10th, 2008 at 20:50 | #1

    i want to stand in line in osaka to see if any media interviews me lol. i just want to play with it… not even buy one. i have drunk the kool-aid.

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