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Quick Note: Slight Disconnect

October 2nd, 2008

I find it interesting that conservatives, who generally dislike Affirmative Action on the grounds that it requires businesses to hire people who are unqualified for the job (they are referring to quotas, not Affirmative Action, and neither makes any such requirement in fact) approve of Sarah Palin as the candidate for vice president.

Just saying.

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  1. October 2nd, 2008 at 12:11 | #1

    I have an strange observation… my mom is a conservative who LOVES Sarah Palin because she said she can identify with her. I think this is exactly why conservatives like her. Because she is a creationist, christian, middle-aged women, normal, soccer mom. Like logic and reason really has NO impact… yet. The debate will cure that though. I mean even when you are in love with someone who is your hero, when you realize that they are a BUFFOON! you gotta go with your heart AND mind. I hope Biden behaves though…. scary.

  2. Tim Kane
    October 2nd, 2008 at 13:30 | #2

    Does your mom think that she has the where-with-all to figure out how to solve the economic crisis? Keep in mind, if she doesn’t solve the crisis, she might be wondering 6 to 12 months from now how to put food on the table.

    Managing a household is complicated stuff. Managing a country is complicated too. But they aren’t the same thing.

    Ask your mom what she thinks things were like during the great depression. Or, she can just rent “The grapes of wrath” on night.

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