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What the…

May 16th, 2004

For some strange reason, BlogD.com just got a big surge in visitors. Standard numbers have been about 550 per day on average, and yesterday we get 1177. Usually when that kind of surge comes there is a clear indication of the source in my stats, and usually it is when a popular web site links to this one, and the link shows up in my stats, showing which site the traffic came from.

But the stats show no one site as the contributor, although links in from Yahoo Search did jump by a certain amount. Sometimes my site does appear at the top of a specific search at a search engine, and that brings in more traffic until other sites crowd it out–but usually such jumps are not so sudden, and they almost always point to a specific entry, not the main page of the site. But the current stats show that most or all of the increase this time came to traffic directly to the main page of BlogD. Furthermore, the search engine stats for my site only show “Nick Berg” as being a commonly searched-for term, and a search on Yahoo for that does not show my page anywhere near the top.

So I am kind of at a loss this time–I always like to see people coming to visit, but this one’s a head-scratcher….

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