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Peekaboo-ologists Keep Eyes Shut Tight

April 8th, 2010

Conservatives love using immediate weather conditions to bolster their beliefs regarding global climate change–at least when it’s cold. When record snowfall hit the U.S. two months ago, they went on a spree of Gore-bashing, claiming that the cold weather disproved “global warming” (as if the north-eastern U.S. during a few days of weather were the entire globe), despite the fact that the record snowfall fit perfectly into models predicted by global warming and climate change.

But they decided instead to focus only on the immediate and local: the temperature right now where I am is a fair indicator of global warming.

Okay, if that’s their basis, then one should expect them to hold true to it, right?

Well, we are now seeing a record-breaking heat wave on the east coast, with temperatures in the 90’s as far up as Boston, and in the 80’s as far up as Maine. It’s so hot that fire warnings have been issued and some schools had to cancel classes due to lack of air conditioning.

So, Fox News commentators must be eating crow right now, placing Al Gore’s book out on sizzling asphalt and claiming global warming to be true, right?

As far as I can tell, they are not even reporting on the high temperatures in their normal news pages, at all. Nothing on the main pages, nothing from a search of the web site. There is one story in the science & tech section about a predicted “extreme” hurricane season–something which fits extremely well into global warming theories, as ocean temperatures are more averaged than land, and warmer water creates more hurricanes–but not a peep about “global warming” there, either.

The Fox pundits are not mentioning this, however, certainly not in the context of “immediate weather where I am is evidence of global climate trends.”

All that this tells us is what we already know: that these people are liars and hypocrites, not even willing to live up to their own standards.

Categories: Right-Wing Hypocrisy, Right-Wing Lies Tags: by
  1. Troy
    April 8th, 2010 at 17:52 | #1

    Doncha wish you were back in the pre-internet days when news from the homeland came in a magazine or the Japan Times?

    The funny thing is that I actually listened to Rush Limbaugh’s show on AFN back around ’93. I was pretty apolitical back then, tho in my journal I see I recorded that I was very relieved Clinton won. I didn’t dislike Bush (compared to Reagan) but the whole flag-burning thing pushed me away from his form of conservatism.

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