Home > BlogTech > LinkBoard


May 7th, 2005

I’ve been told by people over time that the linkboard (top right side of the main page) takes too long to load; it did, after all, consist of 38 separate images adding up to a total of about 70KB. The total size was a bit much already, but the 38 different files that had to be loaded each time the page was viewed, that’s undoubtedly what slowed down most browsers. I’ve been meaning to fix that for a while, and I finally got around to it.

The LinkBoard is still there, but now it is an image map–that is to say, a single image (now 24KB, 1/3 the size) which has the links assigned to each “button” in the image by code. It should load a lot faster and work exactly the same. It just took a bit of effort to set the coding, which is why I put it off for so long.

I’ve also changed the links a bit, getting rid of old and broken links, and adding links I’ve found more valuable as of late.

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