Hee hee

November 11th, 2005

Apparently, Fox News Channel sent a reporter out to do a special on global warming, and the documentary formed around the idea that global warming actually is happening. The reporter said it thus:

“After months of research and interviews with many experts, I’ve learned this simple fact: The earth is heating up. And it’s happening much faster than ever before. No one can argue with this.”

Reportedly, Fox chairman Roger Ailes was “charmed” by the reporter and thus did not smite him nor the documentary. But conservative wonk Chris Horner was aghast, to the point where he uttered this hilarious whopper:

“While it is unfathomable that a reputable news network would air so blatantly a one-sided program regardless of any disclaimer, that the ‘fair and balanced’ network would put itself in the position of suspending its motto is stupefying.”

Yes! Imagine that! Fox News, for the first time in history, is going to air something that is not fair and balanced! Alert the media! Run for the hills! To the Bat Cave, Robin! It’s a sign of the Coming of Days, the end of the world!

In all seriousness, this is groundbreaking in that Fox is, apparently for the first time, airing a show in which the right-wing slant does not heavily predominate, and that does seem significant. I wonder what Ailes was smoking when he made that decision.

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