Texas Redistricting Illegal, Discriminatory
That’s what a Justice Department probe found, in any case–six lawyers and two analysts found the Republican off-census gerrymandering to be discriminatory:
The memo, unanimously endorsed by six lawyers and two analysts in the department’s voting section, said the redistricting plan illegally diluted black and Hispanic voting power in two congressional districts. It also said the plan eliminated several other districts in which minorities had a substantial, though not necessarily decisive, influence in elections.
So, did this decision by the Justice Department have any influence on the Texas gerrymandering attempt, led by now-indicted former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay?
Of course not. As soon as the memo hit the political zone of the Bush administration, it was suppressed, and the Texas redistricting was given the Justice Department’s stamp of approval.
These people show absolutely no restraint in their corruption, not even the slightest.