Home > Media & Reviews > John Spencer: 1946 ~ 2005

John Spencer: 1946 ~ 2005

December 16th, 2005

Spencer1John Spencer died of a heart attack today. If you know The West Wing, you know Spencer. He played the White House Chief of Staff Leo McGarry, and he played it to perfection. You might also remember him from the later seasons of L.A. Law, and from his roles in the movies The Rock and Presumed Innocent.

His current role as Leo McGarry has become more central and significant since he was named the running mate of Jimmy Smits’ character, Matt Santos. It is hard to find reports on this, but it seems that the filming for the current season is not over–perhaps another eight episodes unfilmed. Without doubt, Spencer’s passing will have to be written in–and could significantly affect the series’ storyline and direction. Additionally, it is reported that in the next episode to be aired in January, titled “Running Mates,” Spencer’s character gives this eerily premonitory statement:

“By an overwhelming percentage, the first warning symptom of a heart attack is death. I’m fortunate to be here. But it wasn’t all luck. I was the beneficiary of the finest medical care in the world. Medical care available to me, to Governor Sullivan, but not to the millions of Americans with no or inadequate health insurance. They have their noses pressed against the windows of the world’s greatest hospitals, best-trained doctors and nursing professionals, and when they most desperately need their services, they can’t get in. Matt Santos and I don’t want to leave anyone out in the cold if they get sick like I did. We want every man, woman, and child in this country to have full and equal access to the first-class treatment, that, I firmly believe, saved my life.”

Spencer is also noted as having many similarities to his West Wing character, including his recovery from alcoholism, and his devotion to work over his personal life–not to mention, of course, his health.

Spencer was an only child and was not married, but did live with long-time girlfriend, actress-choreographer Patricia Mariano.

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  1. ykw
    December 17th, 2005 at 14:41 | #1

    The name field on this form turned yellow today. Perhaps my computer is goofing up.

    Spencer was a Terrific actor and his role in West Wing was one of the best in memory, in my opinion !

  2. ljr
    December 22nd, 2005 at 10:32 | #2

    Mr. Spencer was both a wonderful actor and a wonderful man. He died 16 years sober and free from the effects of alcoholism. Not only did he leave a considerable legacy in the dramatic arts, but he has left this world a better place with his example to the many who suffer from alcoholism that there IS a solution.

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