Home > Political Ranting, The Lighter Side > The Sincerity of Republicans on the Environment

The Sincerity of Republicans on the Environment

April 28th, 2006


Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert held a press conference at a gas station in Washington D.C. today. He drove up in one of two hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. At the conference, he spoke about energy policy and showed off two clean-fuel vehicles, making a big deal about them. Hastert got back into one of the vehicles, and drove off. Suspicious of the direction Hastert drove off in, reporters followed him–and caught him switching vehicles, getting out of the hydrogen car and getting into a gas-guzzling SUV, so he could drive the few blocks back to the Capitol Building.

Categories: Political Ranting, The Lighter Side Tags: by
  1. brad
    May 3rd, 2006 at 15:51 | #1

    Heh! Love it.

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