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Site Down

September 11th, 2007

Sorry, the site was down for somewhere between 5 to 10 hours. Don’t know why, and if the web host acts like all web hosts do, I will probably never know. One of those glitches, and life goes on. Apologies to those who tried to access the site and could not.

Categories: BlogTech Tags: by
  1. ykw
    September 12th, 2007 at 02:42 | #1

    Maybe they put your site onto a computer hard disk that has other “difficult sites”, which means that you are all limited by the seek time on that hard disk, which means that the thing gets slower. If you put your site into ram memory on the server, to avoid the hard disk, then it would get faster. Yet that’s a special setup. Perhaps google can sell you server space at a reasonable price?

  2. Luis
    September 12th, 2007 at 09:20 | #2

    Site went down again this morning… and I had the exact same idea that you had. Am I now in an abusive-script backwater?

    If so, they may have just lost my business, despite the fact that the script I had is gone and I am now no more a problem than any good customer. They’d be stupid to do that to people who get their sites in shape. It loses not only good, long-term customers but also the business they bring in. So far, I have probably brought at least half a dozen people directly in to signing up with them, and would do so more in the future, if they’re not screwing me over because of a single spam & hotlink attack that was not even my fault in the first place.

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