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Ah, Will the Hypocrisy Never End? (Of Course Not!)

January 9th, 2008

Ah, so familiar a story. For years, Republicans control both houses of Congress and the White House (and even before, when they controlled just Congress for years), Republican pork spending explodes to stratospheric levels, and Bush never vetoes it or does anything about it.

Then Democrats win back the Congress. Suddenly, the president sees pork as a major problem. Democrats cut pork spending in half, taking most of the brunt themselves, as Republicans still dominate pork even from the minority.

Seeing even bigger Democratic wins coming soon, leading to more Democratic pork than Republican pork, right-wingers complain that pork is again a major problem. With Congress bound to remain Democratic and a Democratic president seemingly inevitable, conservatives start to clamor for pork to be eliminated altogether.

Until, and you can bet the house on this, Republicans take control again someday. At which point, pork will return in a massive surge and Republicans will find no problems with it.

The End.

Hat tip to C&L.

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