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December 12th, 2003

I am posting in advance for the day, and may post again before the day is out, depending on how I feel when I arrive. I am going home for my usual two-and-a-half-week vacation, to enjoy Christmas at home with the family, relax and regenerate as much as I can, and do a bit of shopping.

I’ll be posting during that time, giving you a look at the San Francisco Bay Area (south bay, really, near Palo Alto), a peek at Christmas festivities at the homestead, and if I’m lucky, photos from the final 49’ers game of the season. If I’m even more lucky, then when I return, I will have all-new DSL with IP Telephony, which I’ll report on as soon as it gets going (9 yen per minute to the U.S., free unlimited telephone calls to any KDDi/IP Telephone subscriber in Japan). But it may be as much as a week late after I return, in which case I’ll be relegated to dial-up status for that time. One can hope…

Categories: Travel Tags: by
  1. December 11th, 2003 at 10:57 | #1

    looks like someone nominated your fine site for best asian political blog http://www.flyingchair.net/vote.php?categoryID=12

  2. Luis
    December 11th, 2003 at 11:02 | #2

    Yaay! I got one vote!!! :-)

  3. tazboo
    December 12th, 2003 at 07:58 | #3

    I started occasionally checking your blog because of the political slant, which I happen to agree with. We have to stop bushie. The bonus was the links to the shareware to rid my burdened computer of netspies and frustrating spam.You’re awesome!!! I’m going to start kicking out the eavesdroppers as soon as I get home tonight. Thanks & keep blogging.

  4. rachel Orbach
    November 17th, 2004 at 08:35 | #4

    If we have not figured out a way to go to Mars or farther, how would we be able to go to an entirely different dimension. It is not possible. Who ever went would either burst into flames or explode in the heat or pressure. We would probably have to be able to travel to the sun before we could travel how ever many light years to get to another dimension. We have proven that there are other dimensions but we have not tested going there. If we did or someone was really able to go into another dimension, first it would be all over the news and second we wouldnt know what kind of things were in the other dimenstions. If someone did get to another dimension, all ways of communication with them would most likely be lost in the change of dimensions. There is no way we could ever be able to document the change of dimensions or have any proof until atleast the end of the century. But still knock yourself out trying. You might want to take some advise on how to do it from chleothekitten@aol.com . When you talk to her make sure to ask for Santa. You might also want to talk to Hellmastr14 for more information supporting me. You could wind up dead if you succedeed.

  5. Luis
    November 17th, 2004 at 10:36 | #5


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