
August 23rd, 2008

This should be a complete no-brainer. Obama is pro-choice, and like almost all pro-choicers, he does not like the idea of abortion but is not willing to make that decision for others. Expect reasonable, law- and constitution-respecting judges to be appointed.

McCain, however, is flip-flopping from his original stand, which was to outlaw abortion but leave exceptions for rape, incest, or the risk of death of the mother, and now accepts the party’s policy of outlawing abortion with no exceptions. Which means that if a pregnant woman is carrying a non-viable fetus which would surely die a few minutes after birth due to congenital defects, and the mother’s health is such that she has a high risk of dying in any kind of childbirth, then too bad. She’ll have to simply risk death for no reason, even though there is a simple procedure to ensure she will live. Similarly, if a 14-year-old girl is raped by her father and the child is expected to be badly deformed or dead on delivery due to double recessives, she’ll just have to bear down and go through with the emotional terror of bearing her father’s child. Sorry, kid, but you gotta respect the life of a clump of cells–we respect those cells more than we respect you, for sure–so just man up already and quit sniffling.

Expect his judges to be the same as we’ve seen from Bush, too–McCain has vowed (link to 3-minute video clip of McCain babbling about court appointments) to appoint right-wing strict constructionists, which means that one or two of the liberal justices on SCOTUS who are more than likely to retire or pass away in the next four years will be replaced with another Alito or Rehnquist, and choice will sure die soon after.

Add that to the laundry list of reasons not to vote for McCain, if that reason alone is not more than enough.

Categories: Election 2008, Social Issues Tags: by
  1. Leszek Cyfer
    August 25th, 2008 at 17:23 | #1

    This may interest you:

    It is about choice, though not exactly pro-choice :)

    I think he’s got a point

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