Earmark Queen

September 6th, 2008

This really needs to be pushed. Palin has lied repeatedly about having “killed” the already-dead “bridge to nowhere,” when she was actually a big supporter. She’s being cast as an anti-Washington, cost-cutting, reformist earmark-killer, when, in actuality, she was a positive earmark shark, hiring lobbyists to bring more pork to wherever she was.

Per Capita Earmarks Palin Nowhere Shirt

Categories: Election 2008, McCain Hall of Shame Tags: by
  1. JIm Dish
    September 7th, 2008 at 02:11 | #1

    Dudethat is some dimiension!


  2. Deb Shaw
    September 7th, 2008 at 02:54 | #2

    That woman shouldn’t be in any position to rule over anybody’s life anywhere! I lived in Ketchikan for six years. A bridge from Ketchikan to Gravina Island would have caused rapid development, which would have increased business, industry, and THE TAX BASE for the area!

    Ketchikan is built on a rock. To build, one must blast the rock away. Gravina is much flatter, which is why the airport is there. Also, the little ferry which brings travelers from the airport to town is dangerous in the winter!

    A bridge would have been a good thing.

  3. SmallTownHic
    September 7th, 2008 at 03:01 | #3

    her hypocrisy exists on so many levels that this is almost incidental. People who are over-the-top religious zealots are done ‘deciding’ about her. Women who are not college grads, but who were excited by the message of HRC, seem glad to have another woman as a candidate for national office and think that would be enough. People who speak in code words about race are delighted that she does as well. None of these people are going to be impressed that she lies about issues of public policy … the ones she understands. They are also pretty unconcerned that she can hardly name countries on a map, not to mention have any informed views on foreign policy, even in a critical time like now when countries are so much more involved with so many more opportunities for conflict. They actually swallow the line of airhead Cindy that Alaska being close to Russia makes her an expert on foreign policy. So, while charts like this are a real chuckle to people who know how earmarks have been working, it is way too esoteric to have any impact in the next 60 days.

  4. September 7th, 2008 at 06:19 | #4

    Anyone who cares about their money would never ever vote for a campaign with this woman on the ticket…I am a christian and a former republican. But the fiscal irresponsibility and the intolerance that have become the calling card of bush republicans have made me feeling sick and embarrassed that I was ever a registered republican.

  5. Name
    September 7th, 2008 at 08:11 | #5

    I d leave a comment, but i m too scared of all the policy .. :(

  6. September 7th, 2008 at 08:48 | #6


  7. Rick Cain
    September 7th, 2008 at 11:18 | #7

    I don’t see how a $134 million dollar bridge to a Ketchikan, a town of 7500, is a good investment of tax dollars.

  8. September 11th, 2008 at 13:34 | #8

    Its funny how much people hate sarah Palin and they try to create sarah palin just to knock her. I think mccain is gonna win and i was supporting obama till last week.

  9. Luis
    September 11th, 2008 at 21:00 | #9

    sarahpalin: You were going to vote for Obama last week until McCain chose Palin? Either your priorities are out of whack, or you are easily swayed by choosing personality over substance. If you switched because of some yahoos on the web making up dirt on the candidates families, then your priorities are WAY out of whack–first, because you allow yahoos to sway your vote when they are completely unconnected to the candidates, and second, because there are way more nasty stories made up by yahoos about Obama out there.

    Either way, your judgment seems to be in question here. Perhaps you could elaborate….

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