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It’s Funny Because It’s True

September 7th, 2008

I just love this caption. From Kiko’s House:


That pretty much sums it up. And talk about being prettied up for show. How much you wanna bet that suit’s fresh off the rack and paid for from a political fund somewhere? And I’m sure he has always worn a flag pin everywhere he goes. Some talk about shotgun marriages–I think the lucky kid has found himself a gravy train.

Categories: The Lighter Side Tags: by
  1. Tim Kane
    September 7th, 2008 at 19:23 | #1

    I wish them all the happyness in the world.

    However, I’ve seen shot gun marriages before. My best friend in high school was a case in point – he got his girl friend pregnant and had to marry her (both were catholic). Marriages only have a 50% survival rate at best. From my experience, my guess would be, their marriage will not last as long as the Obama administration. I will be surprised if it did.

  2. Dave
    September 9th, 2008 at 06:06 | #2

    Who the hell are you even talking about, then comparing how long their marriage will last to Obama’s administration?

    So you’re saying it’s going to be an 8 year marriage then, right?

    Cause there’s no way Grampa McCain is going to win this one dude.

  3. Sasha
    September 9th, 2008 at 10:10 | #3

    LOLZ that is so true

  4. Keith
    September 9th, 2008 at 10:14 | #4

    There is a very important message here for young people. Always use a condom. You could find yourself in front of 35 million people with your one nighter and finding out that her mother is well versed with an M-16. Unprotected sex leads to a life as a Republican.

  5. Joe B
    September 9th, 2008 at 10:41 | #5

    Didn’t you hear what the anointed one said the other day? What kind of obamayomamahussein koolaid drinker are you? He said the family is off limits. They are not relevant to this election……his words. Shame on you. The Messiah will be very disappointed. Wait till Oprahbama finds out. I’m tellin!

  6. Josh
    September 10th, 2008 at 07:37 | #6

    Wasn’t the Obamessiah the result of a teenage pregnancy? Tsk tsk liberals.

  7. Tim Kane
    September 10th, 2008 at 14:51 | #7

    I was just trying to point out, if you haven’t seen how shotgun marriages play out, how devastating they can be. Teenagers are still growing into the people they will become. They may grow closer, or parallel, or farther apart. One or both are likely to become curious about the life they might have had. That’s natural. We are talking about a lot of heart ache and pain, and that’s just only a small part of it,and it has an epic quality to it. All of this might have been prevented if both children had had proper sex education. If they were truly meant for each other they would have found out with time, and if not, that too. Now they are lashed together, come what may.

  8. September 10th, 2008 at 17:15 | #8

    Lets not totally dis shotgun marriages man I have been married 22 yrs to my shotgun sweetheart. People grow up, People learn to be responsible and these two kids made a huge mistake, BUT to hold MOM totally responsible for their actions is like blaming Nicole Simpson for messing up the flower bed when she was killed.

    In Alaska there are few things to do.. Drink, Hunt, Shoot, And Sex… they are being kids like any small town kids do find something to do and face they are good looking kids with a silver spoon so to speak, the left is full of those type kids.. I can think of a few like Paris, Lohan, and most teenagers around Hollyweird.

    Let it go

  9. September 11th, 2008 at 00:31 | #9

    I have to agree, this small town boy just got a ride on the gravy train… at this point I think the election is to close to call, but McCain wins he’s set for a life in politics.

    … and keith you win 3 internets 😛

  10. Becky
    September 11th, 2008 at 06:55 | #10

    I don’t care about little Bristol, her boyfriend, and the growing fetus in her belly. All I care about is an acknowledgment that abstinence only education does not work. All this makes me wonder if Palin wishes she gave her kid a condom?

  11. Myles
    September 11th, 2008 at 07:41 | #11

    who cares, its sad that with so may important issues facing americans you choose to squabble over the trival. but really it explains so much

  12. Ronint8
    September 11th, 2008 at 07:51 | #12

    His worth will be seen. In the love of his child.

  13. A
    September 11th, 2008 at 07:53 | #13

    @ Josh:
    Although that is true, Senator Obama’s grandmother isn’t known to be a huge advocate of abstinence-only education.

  14. krispy
    September 11th, 2008 at 11:39 | #14

    that punk ass bitch is wearing his pin on the wrong side

  15. Luis
    September 11th, 2008 at 12:56 | #15

    Wasn’t the Obamessiah the result of a teenage pregnancy? Tsk tsk liberals.

    Don’t get us wrong; it’s not the teenage pregnancy we’re snickering about, it’s the hypocrisy of the right. While teens getting pregnant is generally not a good thing, liberals recognize it as something which is somewhat inevitable, and reduced only by comprehensive sex ed given around the time of puberty (or earlier at home, if the parents judge it appropriate). But if a kid becomes pregnant, support is all we’ll give–like the Christian conservatives are giving Bristol.

    No, the snickering is about the fact that usually, the Christian rightists attack kids for getting pregnant, and–as A & Becky pointed out–that they’re all about abstinence-only education–like Bristol’s mom is for it and presumably applied to Bristol–and this is an excellent case in point backing up all the research which says that abstinence-only education is ineffective.

    who cares, its sad that with so may important issues facing americans you choose to squabble over the trival.

    Note the category listing–“The Lighter Side.” This is a break from the seriousness of the campaign, not a focus on it. But point taken.

  16. Diadhuit
    September 13th, 2008 at 00:41 | #16

    GO SARAH!!!!!!! GO SARAH!!!!!!
    win with JOHN Mc Cain and Sarah Palin
    OBama is a FLAKE,,

  17. September 15th, 2008 at 07:19 | #17

    Shotgun marriages have been known to work out, although they often fail. I hope it works out for them, but lady luck will definitely have to be on their side.

  18. JohnF
    September 16th, 2008 at 12:18 | #18

    How about UNDER_AGE?????
    Is that not still an offense (maybe a misdemeanor)?

  19. September 16th, 2008 at 17:27 | #19

    LOL, Abstinence doesn’t Work? Ummm Yeah it does, No sex, No STD’s No Unwanted babies.. NO FUN!
    But to say that abstinence doesnt work is a pitiful argument.

    It should be taught, It should be yelled from the rooftops that ABSTINENCE IS THE ONLY 100% Effective form of protection from STD’s and Pregnancy. And it should be coupled the other less effective forms of protection.

    The gray area is a great place to live.. what we need to do is REMOVE ALL THE LAWYERS! they have made life WAY to complicated.

  20. Luis
    September 16th, 2008 at 17:55 | #20

    Robert: Note the repeated use of abstinence-only education in the above comments, emphasis on “education.” Abstinence, if followed strictly, of course works. The problem is, kids simply won’t follow such rules. That’s why abstinence-only education fails. Palin tried it–you tell me if it worked 100%.

    Plus, I don’t think removing lawyers from anywhere will make kids any more abstinent. *snark*

  21. Luis
    September 16th, 2008 at 18:11 | #21

    Sorry if your comment was in jest, Robert–it’s just too late at night for me to catch such things…

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