Home > Technology > Steorn Is Back! With Orbo! Really! Still Not Specifically Yet!

Steorn Is Back! With Orbo! Really! Still Not Specifically Yet!

December 15th, 2009

Our favorite free-energy company is back, just as certain as ever that they have free energy on their hands. If people were skeptical before, they are doubly skeptical now, considering that Steorn promised a demo of their free-energy device two and a half years ago, but failed to deliver, citing “technical difficulties. This time, they’re back with more promises, more videos, and another demonstration.

If there was ever a case of ”I’ll believe it when I see it,“ this is it.

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  1. A faithful Steorn investigator
    December 15th, 2009 at 09:11 | #1

    I still believe that they have the free energy technology that could change everything.
    As far as I know they´ve never asked somebody for money. The investors seem to have been there long before they started the Economist Ad in 2006.
    Why should they act this way over such a long time if they weren´t convinced by what they have and know.

  2. Tim Kane
    December 15th, 2009 at 13:14 | #2

    Ever since I saw a “perpetual motion wheel” at Silver Dollar City as a kid, I must confess I’ve been enamored with the idea. When ‘cold fusion’ busted out in the open in the late 80s, early 90s, I’ve loved the notion even though I know it’s absurd in our universe. Just love the idea.

    We used to drink to cold fusion in drinking games in my 20s.

    Great times, they was.

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