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Fahrenheit 9/11 DVD Release Date Set; Pre-Order Available

August 15th, 2004

As Moore’s film nears the $150 million mark (domestic and overseas), its position at the box office has fallen enough (making only a few million dollars a week, in only 700+ theaters now) so that the DVD release can be announced. So the release date has been set for October 5th–still giving the film enough time to make several million more at the box office, but coming out on video almost a month before the November 2 elections.

That is clearly in line with Moore’s intentions to get as many people as possible to see the film. And since DVD sales often outpace box office sales, it is likely a lot of people will be getting the DVD.

If you’re one of those people, Amazon.com is your likely shop of choice; Fahrenheit 9/11 is available for pre-order, for $19. The DVD will include: “The Release of Fahrenheit 9/11” featurette, a montage of the people of Iraq on the eve of invasion, Homeland security: Miami style, Outside Abu Ghraib Prison, Eyewitness account from Samara, Iraq, More with Abdul Henderson, Lila Lipscomb at the Washington, D.C. premiere, Arab-American comedians’ acts and experiences after 9/11, Condoleezza Rice’s 9/11 Commission testimony, and the Rose Garden press briefing after 9/11 Commission appearance.

The film, by the way, has been shunned by the supposedly non-partisan military establishment. The film is not showing in theaters on U.S. bases, despite the fact that every other film that makes so much money is quickly snapped up. The claim is that it was “too late” to put it into military theaters, among a host of other phony reasons, but the fact is that Lion’s Gate made the film available from the beginning. It is not surprising, considering that the same people, in a “balanced” way, program Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura and Paul Harvey, but no liberal counterweight, on the armed forces network. The claim there is that they only broadcast “the most popular” radio shows. But not the most popular movies, which happen not to be in line with right-wing standards? Please.

I was hoping to write Part II of my review of the film after seeing it again yesterday, but since it was massively sold out, I’ll have to refer to alternate sources to finish it; hopefully I’ll have it ready in the next few days.

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