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Final Questions and Closings

October 9th, 2004

On abortion: Kerry’s right on. It’s an article of faith, and I can’t legislate that faith; as president, I have to represent everyone, and afford people their constitutional rights, and let them know all the options. Very well delivered. Bush: “I’m trying to decipher that.” Got a laugh, but that’ll chafe others. Bush is speaking directly to his base here–“Unborn Victims of Violence Act,” “partial birth abortion ban.” His answer is smooth, but partisan. Kerry’s reply: great. It’s not that simple, and he gave clear examples of exceptions. Bush’s reply is vapid: you can only say yes or no, black or white. I think that’s a mistake.

Last question: give three errors you’ve made, and what you did to correct them. Oh boy! Is Bush ready for this one? So far, he hasn’t answered it. He’s saying that the woman is really asking about Iraq, and now he’s building his case on that. In other words, he’s not answering the question! He’s saying he “did the right decision.” Ah–now he’s saying his mistakes were some appointments, but he wants to spare their feelings. Lame. Absolutely lame. Kerry: he didn’t live up to his own standards, keep his promise about the prosecution of the Iraq war, not the war itself, which Bush defended. “Beyond pitiful.” Stolen ammo. Unarmored humvees. Kids with missing limbs. Good replies. Bush: brings up the $87 billion vote and Kerry’s response to that. Kerry reiterated: I made a mistake talking about it, he made a mistake invading, which is worse? Kerry wins on this one, hands down. Good close.

Closing statements: Kerry is using a lot of it on the defensive–not giving a foreign veto on our security–and then positive on building alliances, hunting down terrorists, getting the job done in Iraq, building good education, protecting the environment, and ending on a note of optimism. Bush: we’ve come through recession, corporate scandals, war, but “we’re on the move” (read: we’re turning the corner). Don’t increase the scope of the government (Bush has presided over the massive buildup of government after Clinton cut it down). Stay the course, fight the terrorists (then where is Osama and why did we drop the ball there?). Afghanistan will vote for president, there is a “free” Iraq (which is what all Americans wanted more than anything else, I suppose).

Gibson closes the same he ran the debate–clumsily and not in control. I hope they don’t bring him back again, he really didn’t run it well at all.

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