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The Desperation Brigade

May 8th, 2008

I have begun to notice something about Hillary supporters: they’re beginning to sound laughable almost to the extent of farce. Yesterday, watching Lanny Davis defend Clinton, and today, watching Charles Rangel do the same, I actually laughed out loud listening to them. Rangel, for example, was cheerfully in denial; when asked to explain what possible path Hillary could have left to the nomination, he just said, “I don’t know” and went on about how wonderful Hillary was and how she should absolutely keep fighting, as if not having a path to the nomination was somehow irrelevant. When asked whether Hillary’s loaning more than $6 million of her own money to her campaign in addition to the previous $5 million showed that she was in financial trouble, Rangel happily spouted that it “showed the depth of her commitment” to the campaign.

Even if Hillary’s campaign were not effectively dead, these statements would sound like bluster and denial; but with things the way they are right now, they are downright comically preposterous. Seriously, these performances would not be out of line in a Saturday Night Live skit.

Categories: Election 2008 Tags: by
  1. etoipi
    May 9th, 2008 at 07:30 | #1

    I am reminded of Baghdad Bob…

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