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The Victim Card

May 27th, 2008

It’s pretty much the only one Hillary has left. She played the “inevitable” card, and it quickly folded; she played the “superdelegate” card, and that paled and eventually reversed. Then she played the race card, the “electability” card, the blue-collar card, and even the unmentionable card. Now she’s hanging on to the last vestiges of the “it’s not over until I say it is” card as her “Florida and Michigan” cards begin to fade into the realm of the unlikely.

So now she’s in full swing with the victim card. The campaign has been incredibly sexist, she claims–she’s a victim of gender discrimination! Really? How? Sure, some bozos held up a sign saying “Iron My Shirt,” but that helped Hillary, as have most overtly sexist acts. Even the story in New Hampshire about her getting emotional–never mind that a man could be judged in just as sexist a manner over tears and gender roles, never mind that Hillary got the emotional-manipulation analysis because of her behavior and not because of stereotypes, Hillary made the “sexism” work for her and scored a big victory there. Sure, Hillary was asked the “diamonds or pearls” question, but then Edwards was teased about his hairstyles and Obama for his ties and pins. There is undoubtedly sexism in play, but Hillary has benefitted as much if not more from gender than she has lost–witness all the hardcore Hillary supporters backing her because she’s a woman. And let’s not forget, Obama has been hurt in several states where Hillary supporters have said that they were voting against the black guy. You cannot name one state where Obama won because of the anti-woman vote. Hillary is not a victim here.

She’s even aggressively playing her horrific gaffe about assassination as another example of how she’s the victim, pushing with vigorous force to get everyone to accept the idea that her words were “taken out of context” and that the Obama campaign is maliciously and unfairly attacking her about it–the totality of their evidence being an email apparently sent out by a staffer with the Olbermann screed on it. Imagine the gall of actually bringing up the specter of assassination as an example of why she should stay in the race–and that is not a misinterpretation and it is not out of context, she was listing examples of how past races extended into June as reasons why she should stay in–and then using that atrociously inappropriate remark to attack the man who lives under constant threat of assassination.

Bill Clinton is also playing the victim card to its absurd conclusion:

“She is winning the general election today and he is not, according to all the evidence,” Clinton said. “And I have never seen anything like it. I have never seen a candidate treated so disrespectfully just for running. Her only position was, ”Look, if I lose I’ll be a good team player. We will all try to win but let’s let everybody vote and count every vote.’“

Good lord, how many prevarications in such a short utterance! She’s winning the general election? Only if you cherry-pick the polls and numbers. ”All the evidence“? Several polls have Obama out-winning Hillary.

Treated so disrespectfully? Major projection! How many times has Hillary scorned, blamed, attacked, and put down Obama? How many times has she said McCain is better? Obama has been incredibly respectful to Hillary as of late, and especially relative to how Hillary has treated him. And Bill Clinton has never seen such disrespect???

Her only position was to be a ”team player“??? Are you freaking out of your mind??? Is that why she praised McCain over Obama so many times? Is that why she’s pushing her supporters to be anti-Obama partisans? Is that why she’s bringing up assassination? Is that why she’s not bowing out gracefully and shoring up party weaknesses despite having no hope–outside of a gunman’s bullet–to win this race? If that’s ”being a team player,“ I’d hate to see her not be one!

And ”let’s let everybody vote“? You mean like she agreed not to count Michigan and Florida, how she claimed before Iowa that she’d have it all tied up by Super Tuesday? And ”count every vote“? Like all the Obama supporters in Michigan who voted for ”uncommitted“ and Hillary now wants many of them shoveled off of Obama’s plate and onto hers? Like she wants to count all the voters in caucus states? Like all the times she said that this state and that state ”didn’t count“?

In fact, Bill’s whole screed is packed full of this stuff. Absolutely a sight to behold.

You have to wonder what the hell they are doing. They cannot possibly think that they are going to win this, and they cannot possibly believe that they are doing the party no harm. If Obama loses the election without a major scandal on his part, it will be because Hillary sabotaged it for him. Even if Hillary tilts full speed the opposite way and supports and campaigns for Obama after she finally concedes, she still won’t be able to undo all the damage–and I have a feeling that her ”support“ will be far from full-fledged.

Far from being a team player, Hillary has shown herself to be the most single-mindedly selfish and egotistical person to take the political stage in a long time–and with the company of Bush and others like him on the Republican side, that is saying a great deal. That is not sexist–it is based wholly upon Clinton’s own actions–nor is it disrespectful to make note of the plain truth.

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  1. ykw
    May 28th, 2008 at 03:55 | #1

    If someone has a 5% chance of winning, should they stay in for a while, and drop out before the convention? I think there is a possible case for saying yes. However, they do look goofy when they say, “I think I’m going to win”, or “I deserve to win”.

  2. Luis
    May 29th, 2008 at 02:58 | #2

    YKW: I think that 5% is far too generous an assessment of Hillary’s chances, especially if you take into account the fact that were Hillary to concede, she could still step back in should Obama self-destruct.

    A better example, or analogy, is that you are competing with co-workers for a promotion, which is granted based upon performance. A co-worker has edged you out, and mathematically, it is impossible for you to win the contest unless the other worker breaks a leg or dies of some disease, or maybe gets drunk and tells the boss off something awful–in which case, as the second-place holder, you would automatically get the promotion anyway. But instead, you insist that the contest is not over, and you spend the time attacking your coworker and disrupting the workplace with office politics, distracting and dividing the staff, pitting them against each other.

    How impressed will your boss be?

  3. Pete Rivers
    June 3rd, 2008 at 18:35 | #3

    Let’s make the point that when she was the raging favourite for the nomination we heard not a word about sexism. But when she feel behind, suddenly Geraldine Ferraro says Obama is only getting a run because he is black, Hillary turns on the waterworks and suddenly people are sexist. By WV, Clinton is saying that Obama can’t close the deal with ‘white workers’. Really, that claim alone is enough to vote against her. Why serious feminists would want to cuddle up to that kind of pandering is beyond me.

    She was behind and does what all who know they are behind do — she tried to nuke the game and polarise the base so that she could come back. Truthfully, Obama suffered much more slander than did Clinton. He was cast simultaneously a Muslim and a Christian Garveyite and unpatriotic and a terrorist fellow traveller.

    The Clinton people need to accept that the game was played according to rules they agreed to and in circumstances they should have anticipated and stop whining about why they lost. The much more important battle is to prevent four more years of Bush policies.



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