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FOX Reports Fiction, Then Changes without Comment

October 3rd, 2004

Atrios caught FOX News representing the Republican group “Communists for Kerry” as an actual pro-Kerry group, when in fact it is a Republican group running a “satire” web site. The original FOX story read:

Of course, there were some Kerry supporters in attendance who had no doubts whatever about their candidate.

“We’re trying to get Comrade Kerry elected and get that capitalist enabler George Bush out of office,” said 17-year-old Komoselutes Rob of Communists for Kerry.

“Even though he, too, is a capitalist, he supports my socialist values more than President Bush,” Rob said, before assuring FOXNews.com that his organization was not a parody group. When asked his thoughts on Washington’s policy toward Communist holdout North Korea, Rob said: “The North Koreans are my comrades to a point, and I’m sure they support Comrade Kerry, too.”

It is unclear whether the Kerry campaign has welcomed the Communists’ endorsement.

Apparently, word got back to FOX that they had screwed up yet again, and so they altered the story, without comment or explanation, at the exact same address of the original story:

And then there were the pranksters in the audience . . . the Communists for Kerry (who, in fact, are rooting for Bush) and the Billionaires for Bush (who, of course, are Kerry supporters).

“We’re trying to get Comrade Kerry elected and get that capitalist enabler George Bush out of office,” said 17-year-old Komoselutes Rob of Communists for Kerry.

“Even though he, too, is a capitalist, he supports my socialist values more than President Bush,” Rob said.

One would think that they would at least have the decency to post an Editor’s Note explaining why they posted this fake story, like they did yesterday with the story that contained fake Kerry quotes.

I guess that fatigue and poor judgment must be endemic at FOX News.

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