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Daylight Saving Time

April 3rd, 2005

For those of you who keep in touch with others in the United States, you should be mindful that Daylight Saving Time (DST) has come into effect. As the old saying goes, Spring Forward… so Americans have set their clocks an hour forward, making the time difference between Japan and the U.S. slightly different–one hour more different, or less, depending on how you count it. I don’t like counting back–for the West coast, 16 to 17 hours back is just too much trouble. 7 to 8 hours forward, then subtract a day, is easier, at least for me.

We have been 7 hours behind San Francisco for the winter, so San Francisco will be 8 hours ahead now. 11 pm here is 7 am (the previous day) there. If you’re ever unsure, check this page with a World Clock, and go here if you want more info on DST.

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