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April 4th, 2005

I’ve observed a new type of blog comment spam: spam apparently designed purely for reasons of harassment. The spam comes in with no functioning URLs, just links to garbage addresses that have no corresponding site. No product name, no forwarded web site, nothing. It has no profit whatsoever for the spammer that I can see, except perhaps if they get their jollies by peeing all over other people’s web sites. Not that I thought that spammers were any less scummy, to be honest. But they went pretty far in making the spam hard to delete: each one has only nonsense words which vary from spam to spam; each gives a unique (and fake) IP address; and each has different URLs.

Fortunately, I did pick up on one point: each fake, junk URL had a common text string–just a few letters–which were unique enough that I could use it in MT-Blacklist. Otherwise it would have been impossible to block, and each one of the possibly hundreds of spam comments left would have to have been deleted one by one. The common string allowed me to zap all that had been laid and block the others coming in.

Nevertheless, this is getting way out of hand.

Categories: BlogTech Tags: by
  1. April 4th, 2005 at 02:44 | #1


    Tell me about it – having a nightmare of a time keeping the comments from being bunged up with worthless crud. I fail to see rhyme nor reason for these idiots. I have simple filters in place and a bit of “by hand” editing of the comment tables every now and again stops if from getting totally out of hand but it truly is a raw display of the anarchy that is the Internet.

    If only we could convince Bush that these guys are of dubious national security intent, there would be a huge sigh of relief around the ‘net.


  2. brad
    April 4th, 2005 at 15:06 | #2

    It *is* so sad, isn’t it? That there are a class of people out there that enjoy such things … vandalism, destruction, waste.

    I wonder what the technical solution would be? End-to-end authentication, from the ISP outwards? I don’t know anything about IPv6, does it or IPsec have provision for that sort of thing?


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