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PowerMic, SchmowerMic

July 20th, 2005

I haven’t had much to complain about with my new Powerbook, but one thing recently has me a bit miffed. That’s the line-in audio. By advertising this, Apple knows people will assume that you can plug in a microphone and have it work. That, it turns out, is completely untrue. It’s not a mic port, it’s a powered sound input port, and practically no microphone you buy will work with it. I tried buying a regular mic, and nothing registered. I then read that it has to be a powered mic, so I got one of those. This registered, but waaaay too quietly–at full gain, the recorded audio was almost inaudible.

Apparently, to record sound, you have to either find a powered mic with very specific specs which Apple does a good job of hiding from you, or buy an adaptor which in itself costs about $40.

Sure, Apple doesn’t outright say you can’t plug in a mic. But it’s a falsehood of omission–they know people are going to assume that’s what the audio line-in is for. And I thoroughly read through all the information I could find, including Apple’s manual, for any warning of this, and found none. In fact, the Powerbook manual reads:

You can also connect external microphones or other audio equipment to the audio line in port. The audio line in port is a stereo 3.5 mini-phono jack, which does not provide power to a connected device, so you must use self-powered peripherals.

So they’re covered on the self-powered part, but I have one of those and it still doesn’t work. I don’t see any specs about what type of powered mic is necessary, or any other specs on this. If they exist, they are well-hidden.

Bad form, Apple.

Update: Before I posted this, I found a solution–a very messy kludge, but it works: if I plug my powered external mic into my digital video recorder and then plug the sound out from the camera to the Powerbook’s line-in port, it works. As I said, messy, but at least I won’t have to buy an expensive adaptor.

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  1. Stan
    March 17th, 2006 at 03:27 | #1

    I have been conned the same way. My powerbook is from 2003. How could Apple design the machine that does not plug and play with the hundreds of headset with microphones in the market? No one would have thought that you need some fancy self powered microphone to work. Even with the imic adapter from griffin, it does not plug into that in-line port but a USB port. So that port might as well be a white elephant dummy of a in-line hole in the millions of machine that they ship.


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