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Google Earth Beta for Mac OS X

December 10th, 2005

Just ran into this link to download Google Earth for OS X. It is a very cool app. It’s the one that flies around the globe, zooming in and out of any photographed area, with tons of notation and bookmark features. Very fun to play with. The link I provided just above takes you to a blog that links to a download site. The download site is a pay-for-immediate-access and free-if-you-wait type; just go to the bottom of the page, click the “Free” button, wait about half a minute, enter the anti-spambot code, and it’ll download. The app is slightly buggy, but very usable. Enjoy. (Note: this very recent beta version will probably run only on 10.4.3 (the current OS X version), and might be sluggish on an iBook or older Mac.)

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