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When Spin Is Not Nearly Enough

March 2nd, 2006


I don’t know who this clown Cavuto is, but one thing is for sure, he’s spinning the Iraq civil war faster than the Tasmanian Devil. First, the civil war could be a “good thing,” then soon after that, the media has made the whole thing up. So I guess Cavuto thinks the press is doing a great job, since it is “making up” a “good thing” about Iraq!

In the meantime, reality in Iraq seems to be paying no attention to Fox News, with violence escalating and sectarian tensions becoming critical. Not to mention that it could be easily argued that the shrine bombing was not the real start of a civil war, but that one has been brewing since a long time before that.

Meanwhile, Bush takes hits galore now that the videos have come out showing that he not only received massive warnings about the seriousness of Katrina and the danger to the levees, but that he himself asked no questions about the storm or the relief preparations, and confidently stated that he was “fully prepared.” Obviously he was not.

It is already well-established (though not as often reported) that Bush was responsible for the late deployment of relief, his cronyism resulted in massive mismanagement, and his photo op forays into devastated areas put actual relief efforts on hold while people were dying. That this story brings light to these issues and that the government is still screwing up, still not delivering badly needed supplies, and is still short-changing the victims of the storm, is nothing less than a very just reward for an administration that still pretends that it did the best it could.

Is it possible that these news stories will bring Bush down below the low levels he’s already at? One could only hope. Bush is already looking like midterm-election poison, and Republicans in Congress are edging away from him, and even openly rebelling.

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  1. tim kane
    March 3rd, 2006 at 01:27 | #1

    And don’t forget the relief naval ships off the coast of New Orleans, I believe they were hospital or rescue ships (complete with helicoptor pads) of some kind with hundreds of thousands of gallons of fresh water and hospital beds.

    The Navy was astute enough to pre-position the ship off the coast following in closely behind the storm anticipating its need. It sat off shore for days waiting for orders that never came.

    Makes you think that it was purposeful. I mean all those “chocolate” democratic voters in the heart of the redstate belt, dying. Perhaps Bush had a conflict of interest that paralyzed him.

    Even if he controls history, its hard to see how it could ever be kind to him. He controls the media now, through coercion. But in the future he will control nothing and the freeforall attack on his competency begins. Two major metropolitan areas evacuated in less than four years. A major failure in international policy, easiliy foreseeable, and the looting of the treasurey. It’s hard to see how he could escape from becoming labeled the worst President ever. An unfortunately for him, he comes right after the Clinton years.

    Mr. Bush, you are an abysmal failure. He should be on a suicide watch, just incase he decides to slit his own wrist. People have commited suicide for much less failure than this.

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