Home > Japan Fun Facts > Coupons


April 1st, 2006

This story from Kevin Drum made me realize something I hadn’t noted before. He reports on the fact that coupon use in the U.S. fell by 33% over the past five years, so that “only” 3 billion coupons were used last year. That reminds me of how the Sunday paper would have an entire “section” for coupons only, and brought back to mind getting stuck behind someone at the checkout stand who had a wad of coupons, a fate worse than an old lady spilling change on the counter and slowly counting it, or even worse, having to write out a check (without without having filled out all the automatic stuff like the recipient, date and signature while they were waiting in line).

And then I realized what I hadn’t thought of before: they don’t use coupons at supermarkets in Japan. Some fast-food chains use them, but I have yet to see one materialize at the checkout stand in a supermarket.


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  1. Tak
    July 25th, 2007 at 21:35 | #1

    wow. You have an interesting blog here :) I think ill bookmark and come back from time to time to read the backlog. I’ve yet to make a visit to ol’japan, but I have a feeling ill learn much in my stay here. u made me realize some things. its hilarious. xD

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