Home > Focus on Japan 2007 > Fukutoshin Line

Fukutoshin Line

February 14th, 2007

This is The Line Formerly Known As Line 13, as it were. The new subway line opening between Ikebukuro and Shibuya is now officially the 副都心線, or Fukutoshin Line–literally, the “secondary redevelopment effects on a city center as a result of suburban development” … er, “line,” as defined by EDICT. Though that translation may be a tad stodgy. The three characters are “secondary” (or “vice-“), “metropolitan,” and “heart.” I guess “Secondary City Central Line” might be a better way to put it.

However, the line will not be opening as soon as I had thought. Many sources placed the opening in 2007, but the same article that reveals the name claims the line will open in June 2008.

The line is of particular interest to me because it includes a station less than a block from my work, and would do away with a 10-minute walk now required in my commute. I was hoping it would open in June this year–a nice birthday present for me–but instead I’ll have to wait another year.

Categories: Focus on Japan 2007 Tags: by
  1. February 15th, 2007 at 05:32 | #1

    hmmm so in theory, this will be quicker for me (I always stay in Ikebukuro) for wanting to get to Shibuya as opposed to the Yamanote?

  2. Luis
    February 15th, 2007 at 16:40 | #2

    Maybe not quicker, but less crowded; this line was supposed to supplement the Yamanote and provide an alternate route, in addition to making stops in slightly different locations so as to provide more coverage and more transfer points. But I don’t think the speed is supposed to be different from the Yamanote.

  3. February 16th, 2007 at 15:20 | #3

    ah…I may just take it to be wild and explore then. What’s life without getting lost every so often?:-p

  4. Stuart
    April 5th, 2008 at 06:34 | #4

    Some info on the speed of the new subway line:

    Local trains will be 16 minutes between Ikebukuro and Shibuya about the same as the Yamanote line.
    There will be an express service also that stops at Shinjuku-Sanchome only between Ikebukuro and Shibuya and takes about 11 minutes, about the same as the Saikyo line.

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