Home > The Lighter Side > Never Better, Boss

Never Better, Boss

April 7th, 2007

I bought this T-Shirt near Meguro today:


If anyone wants to wear this on a tour of the White House, let me know…

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  1. Luis
    April 7th, 2007 at 20:32 | #1

    Note: I was just kidding about the offer, BTW. This one is too good to give away.

  2. K. Engels
    April 8th, 2007 at 04:06 | #2

    If anyone wants to wear this on a tour of the White House, let me know…

    No thanks, I’d rather avoid winning the ‘free trip to Cuba’ door prize…

  3. Paul
    April 8th, 2007 at 05:47 | #3

    Wear it at the White House? Hell, I want to wear it anywhere! If you can find one in XL holler, I’ll Paypal you the money! LOL

    It’s like a horrible combination of B-movie poster girl, something vaguely baseball-related (“High and inside”), and some kind of political statement… or something.

    Man, Engrish is awesome. Only makes me realize how horrible I must sound when I’m hacking through some foreign language when I’m on a trip somewhere.

    Seattle, wA

  4. Luis
    April 8th, 2007 at 12:37 | #4

    Paul: I’ll look for an XL, but I don’t know if there’ll be one. This being Japan, and all… The one I got is an L.

  5. Paul
    April 8th, 2007 at 13:16 | #5

    LOL good point. In fact, in China I bought stuff marked “XL” and it pretty well turned out to be L, and then shrank like mad when I washed/dried it. Wound up fitting- tight- on my ex-gf, who’s only about 55 pounds lighter and 9 inches shorter than me.

    Do you have trouble with sizes over there? I can’t recall if you’ve blogged on that before or not.

  6. Luis
    April 8th, 2007 at 13:23 | #6

    Shoes are impossible here; most stores max out at 27.5 cm, or about size 9 for men, and I’m between an 11 and a 12. Even store specializing in ‘large’ sizes don’t have much of a selection at all. I *have to* buy my shoes in the U.S. Slacks are gettable here, but only recently did I fall below the “King and Tall” range at the men’s suits store. Shirts are within my range, but just barely; still, I buy my button-up dress shirts in the U.S., mostly because it’s convenient and a lot cheaper to do so. Even socks sold in Japan tend to be too small for me as well. But shoes are the big thing.

  7. Paul
    April 10th, 2007 at 11:02 | #7

    LOL Despite being 6’1″, shoes there would be no problem for me- I have short feet, only a size 8.5 (about 26.5cm). They’re a bit… not exactly deformed, but not normal, with really high arches- if they were a proper arch shape they’d be more like a 9.5 or 10. :)

    Sounds like the gf is feeding you enough that she’ll drive you back into the King and Tall section, though. Careful!

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