
May 13th, 2008

Hillary got a big boost quoting a Saturday Night Live skit when it parodied the media having an Obama love-fest. I wonder if she’ll be quoting this SNL bit:

Yes, it absolutely savages Hillary in a totally unfair manner. If you’re a Hillary supporter and don’t like it, then just join the club. Maybe the media can get you a pillow or something.

Categories: Election 2008, The Lighter Side Tags: by
  1. Paul
    May 13th, 2008 at 11:53 | #1

    My gf and I watched this the other night, live. (Well, live-but-tape-delayed-for-the-west-coast.)

    As it got going, it got harsher and harsher, and man… it was awesome. For once it was an SNL skit that got better as it went on, instead of being one that you said to yourself “okay, I got the joke” as they stretch a 90 second gag into 3.5 minutes of filler.

    I guess SNL can give, and they can take away.

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