Home > GOP & The Election, Political Ranting > Ron Reagan Jr. to Speak at Democratic Convention

Ron Reagan Jr. to Speak at Democratic Convention

July 12th, 2004

Yes, it is well-known that he is a liberal, and yes, he will speak about stem-cell research, and will not be nominating Kerry for the presidency.

Still, it is quite a substantial coup for the Democrats. The GOP will dare not try to besmirch Reagan, and yet the Democrats will in a very real way become the bearers of the Reagan family legacy, if not the Reagan political legacy. And that will be worth quite a bit, I think. Perhaps even extra TV coverage of the convention, and broader recognition of the true values of the liberal side.

Categories: GOP & The Election, Political Ranting Tags: by
  1. Nancy Goss
    July 30th, 2004 at 01:02 | #1

    after listening to Ron Reagans interview with Terry Gross
    on NPR’s fresh air I came away stunned. That man is smart
    with a capital S- and I am afraid that the GOP will run scared and try and smear him in any way that they can. He was a ballet dancer after all and I’m sure they will find a way to use that to prove that he isn’t really a man – never mind that Bush was a cheerleader.

    How can we support the messages that he has? Does he have an email address?

  2. Jeff Curtis
    December 21st, 2005 at 05:20 | #2

    [This comment has been moved to the appropriate blog entry.]

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