Home > Focus on Japan 2010 > Always Answer for You!

Always Answer for You!

October 13th, 2010

Who wouldn’t want a peek inside of Mel’s Brain?


Of course, a closer cropping might give a hint:


Sorry, I just couldn’t resist.

Categories: Focus on Japan 2010 Tags: by
  1. Leszek Cyfer
    October 14th, 2010 at 02:21 | #1

    I have no clue :/

  2. Jim
    October 14th, 2010 at 05:57 | #2

    “may the schwartz be with you” Nice cropping 😉

  3. Leszek Cyfer
    October 14th, 2010 at 15:16 | #3

    Sorry, I guess the answer is in the japanese texts on the windows, but I’ve no idea what the pun is all about.

    Luis would you be so kind and enlighten me :)

  4. Luis
    October 14th, 2010 at 15:20 | #4

    In the second image, look at the name of the shop to the right, just to the right of the “MELBRAIN” sign.

  5. Leszek Cyfer
    October 14th, 2010 at 20:56 | #5

    In second image there is only ‘Jew’ of ‘Jewelry’ visible and Jewelry is US version of Jewellery so it seems ok. I can’t read japanese so maybe that’s the reasen I don’t get it?

    Or I’m just dumb or sth. :(

    Sorry, still no clue…

  6. Luis
    October 14th, 2010 at 20:58 | #6

    Mel Gibson, the actor, is known for his anti-semitic rants. A cultural thing, I guess.

  7. Leszek Cyfer
    October 14th, 2010 at 22:00 | #7

    Clear as sky, I am now :)

    Thank you Luis

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