
Archive for April 18th, 2008

ABC Debate: Reprehensible Trash-Fest

April 18th, 2008 3 comments

Insipid, shoddy, despicable, ridiculous, tawdry, astonishingly miserable, embarrassing, inane, frivolous, historically poor quality, stupid, disgusting, a really, really horrible freak show, a trainwreck, an unmitigated travesty, and the biggest sham I’ve ever seen. These are all descriptions taken from various blogs and editorials about the “debate” tonight, where former Clinton staffer George Stephanopoulos took notes from Sean Hannity on how to smear Obama, and Charlie Gibson acted even worse. The first half hour was nothing but Obama-bashing, talking about lapel pins, the Weathermen, “Bittergate,” and Wright–with Hillary piling on. The “mediators” were even booed by the audience at the end. Even arch-conservative Jonah Goldberg called it “nothing but Republican water-carrying,” and many expressed the belief that John McCain was the big winner of the debate.

Like Kevin Drum, I am thankful I was not able to watch it live. The problem: from what I have heard of the freak show, it was a microcosm of “media” coverage of the Democratic race: primarily a long streak of candidate-bashing, manufacturing fake “controversies” so as to boost ratings and prolong the “exciting horse race” which is this disaster of a primary season. The “press” is thoroughly and apparently unashamedly invested in turning this into festival of scandal, while not reporting on trivial stuff like the Vice President, Secretary of State, and Attorney General gathering in secret to discuss how often a child’s testicles may be crushed as they quietly repeal the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.

Of course, this may all just be the infamous “Liberal Media™” at work….

Some are suggesting that this will backlash and Obama will receive a surge of donations and maybe even a boost in Pennsylvania (I’m considering donating myself, if for no other reason than to make a statement). I am hoping for a bigger backlash against the so-called “journalists” and the noxious, steaming river of manure they are calling “news” these days. Some of this is expressed in this roundup by The Moderate Voice.

Update: Obama wraps it up:

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