Home > Focus on Japan 2005, Mac News > Japan iTunes Music Store: August 4?

Japan iTunes Music Store: August 4?

July 28th, 2005

Apparently, some kind of “Apple Music Event” has been scheduled for 10 am on Thursday, August 4 at the Tokyo International Forum. Reporters have been invited to the event by Apple, so unless this is something completely unexpected, it’s probably going to be the long-rumored opening of the Japan iTunes Music Store.

Still unknown will be the pricing (rumored to be ¥150, undercutting all other music download services in Japan) and the selection–Sony’s rather large collection of music may likely not be available because Sony is trying like crazy to undercut Apple and its success with the iPod.

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  1. July 29th, 2005 at 03:42 | #1

    *sigh* as a Jpop lover (yes, I know it sucks, so sue me!) I would love to raid this thing. Darn cross-country copyright laws!

  2. August 2nd, 2005 at 01:45 | #2

    In case you didn’t see already it appears that Apple is opening their 2nd Tokyo Apple store in Shibuya on August 6th.


    After the iTunes store announcement, I guess they want to be ready to sell iPods to all the trendy kids hanging out.

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