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Build It ….

August 28th, 2003

I have no idea where the recent surge is coming from, but the number of visitors to this site has made a sharp increase. Today, over 200 people will have visited, and the day before, almost 160; in the past two weeks, I’ve had an average of 135 unique visitors per day (but not all unique for the two-week period, as many visit daily). Quite a shock, but then the whole thing has been that way–when I started four months ago, I expected no more than a dozen or so people to visit my site in any given month. So far for August, I have visitors from about 1500 unique IP Addresses.

Maybe it’s the gyoza recipe….

UPDATE: On the 27th, 260 people visited the site, a new high. The numbers have not stayed that high, but are suddenly averaging about 150 a day now, with 1700 unique IPs for the month.

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  1. Shane
    August 30th, 2003 at 16:29 | #1

    Your site is listed in the site list in NetNewsWire (under:Weblogs – O-Z), the most popular, and by a wide margin, the best XML/RSS aggregator for Mac OS X. I’d bet that most of your new traffic is stemming from that. ( http://ranchero.com/netnewswire — if you want to say thanks)

    Stopped by a couple of months ago for the blog title, Stayed for the content and beautiful photos. Thanks.

    Thanks for sharing your journey-

  2. Luis
    August 30th, 2003 at 17:03 | #2


    Many thanks for the viewership and the compliments. There’s no doubt that NetNewsWire is helping a great deal (I contacted the fellow who runs things at Ranchero and, from their open invitation, asked him to be included on the list). But the number of people coming to the feed URL is not increasing so much over July, and in fact, the number of people coming in through the front page has replaced the RSS feed as the #1 visited file.

    Looking at the numbers, it seems like search engines are playing a big part–I am listed higher in their results, and the number of referrals from them has almost doubled. Still, the overall increase is so sudden, I am mystified as to what brought it on.

    I plugged in all the numbers from the stats since May to an Excel spreadsheet, and played with trendlines. On a linear trend (polynomial trendlines show me numbers I cannot believe), I may be looking at an average of 300 visitors a day and 3500 unique visitors per month by the end of the year.


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