Home > iPhone Blogging > An Izakaya with a Private Room

An Izakaya with a Private Room

August 3rd, 2008

Sachi and I just finished going over some arrangements for our wedding reception here in Akasaka, and so we decided to have dinner at a local izakaya. Because it’s Sunday, we get a private room all to ourselves.

Nice place!



We got a nice salad, some beer, some Maguro sashimi, prawns in mayonnaise, and the very delicious yakitori you see below. We’ve decided that when we go back to Ikebukuro, we will stop by a nice ramen shop for their terrific gyoza….



Sachi took this photo of me blogging now and sent it to me by email. The things you can do with a couple of iPhones!

– – – – –

It’s about an hour later, and Sachi and I are now at the gyouza place. They mostly do ramen, but their gyouza is delicious–light and tasty!


The place is called Fuku-shin. Here are photos of the ramen and gyouza.



Categories: iPhone Blogging Tags: by
  1. Alex Kane
    August 3rd, 2008 at 23:20 | #1

    Ahhhh… I miss Japan

  2. ykw
    August 4th, 2008 at 13:38 | #2

    Is Satchi finding any disadvantages to the iPhone involving distractions during dinner?

  3. Luis
    August 4th, 2008 at 16:40 | #3

    Well, if she is, she is being very patient and understanding about it…

  4. Paul
    August 6th, 2008 at 12:43 | #4

    Hey, how do you do inline images? I downloaded the WP app (got ver 1.1, too- it’s updated if you didn’t notice that) and can’t quite figure it out…

  5. Luis
    August 6th, 2008 at 19:29 | #5

    It’s not a feature, it’s a workaround.

    Create a post. Add the photos first. Under “Status,” set it to “Pending Review.” Then Save. It will upload the images and generate the link-and-image HTML, without publishing.

    Go back into the post and you can now type above, below, or between the images. You can also revise the HTML code–I like my images to be 450 pixels wide, so I erase the “height” attribute and reset the “width” as 450.

    Then reset the Status as “Published,” and Save again.

    Presto! Inline images.

    Note: you can also just add to a published post and save again.

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