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Half-Crazed Paranoia

November 2nd, 2004

Sometimes it is both amusing and scary reading what the Freepers put up there:


January 21, 2005 (the day after inauguration day)

One day after being sworn in as President of the United States, John Kerry moved to solidify his power and influence on every day America. Just two months after the Democrats stunned Republicans, conservatives and libertarians by winning the White House and regaining control of both the Senate and House of Representatives, Kerry announced massive changes to happen in the next 30 days. Among the many items that Kerry moved on were:

Immediately signed an executive order outlawing conservative talk radio. In that order, any talk deemed anti-democrat by the newly appointed Czar of the Airways, Al Frankton, and the stations would be immediately shut down and the show hosts arrested for hate speech. Targets include Rush, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and Dr. Laura.

Signed an executive order outlawing the NRA and like groups. The NRA is to be disbanded immediately.

Signed an executive order outlawing all political parties other than the newly renamed Democratic Party, which is now to be called: The National Socialist Democratic Party of America. …

You get the idea. You can read the rest if you want to. In short, Kerry becomes the new Adolf Hitler and Transforms the United States into the New Soviet Union overnight.

At first I decided not to post this because it seemed far too loony, way out there as half-crazed paranoia or over-the-top satire. It sat in my draft area for a while. And then on Talking Points Memo, I saw the following right-wing flier mailed out to Florida residents, and suddenly the Freeper post seemed a lot more in line with what the far-right wingnuts seem to take seriously:

Frankly, it is both amazing and alarming. I mean, I have strong fears about what will happen under Bush if he is re-elected, and I have real evidence to back that up, but I wouldn’t go nearly this far. All the right-wingers have is their paranoia and imagination–and their public smear campaigns quickly get disgustingly ugly.

When Kerry wins, Republicans will almost certainly get more and more ugly–perhaps even topping the destructiveness they displayed under Clinton for eight years.

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