
Archive for the ‘The Lighter Side’ Category


December 1st, 2009 1 comment

During a recent visit to Tokyu Hands, Sachi and I were tempted by the wigs:


We tried on about 5 or 6 before a clerk told us to cut that out (more I think because we were taking photos). Personally, I like the blond one: “Waaaayyynnee!!!!”

Sachi came out looking like one of my students:


Me, I just look cool.


No, Really! It Works! I Swear!

October 24th, 2009 8 comments


Looks like they forgot to plug in a cable. People have pointed out a touchscreen on a standard desktop computer monitor is pretty pointless–nobody is going to reach out to their screen like that to control it all day. The orientation problem will have to be fixed before it is actually something people will want to use. Microsoft’s jump into this functionality is an excellent example of kitchen-sink mentality: use something because it’s there, rather than because it’s a good idea.

The TaliPhone?

February 13th, 2009 1 comment

You gotta love this: Al Jazeera reporter goes to interview Mullah Zaif, the former ambassador to Pakistan for the Taliban, which shunned many things western, including most of its technology. The man walks in, sits down… and whips out his iPhone. Yep, his iPhone. Then he proceeds to rave about it: “I’m addicted. The internet is great on this, very fast.” He then proceeds to show it off for the reporter. Really, I had to double check the web site to make sure it was really Al Jazeera and not some satire site. Even had to inspect the photo closely to make sure it wasn’t a Photoshop job.

200928142749646580 9

Is Apple converting the Taliban with its subversive seductiveness?

Categories: iPhone, The Lighter Side Tags:

Something to See

January 17th, 2009 Comments off

This is great. I’m not sure I want to post it on this blog, but I’ll risk a link to the comically risqué.

Categories: The Lighter Side Tags:

Must-See TV

January 11th, 2009 1 comment

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Dum-Dum, DUM DUM, Dum, Dumb

January 6th, 2009 1 comment

Sachi was watching a program recently which involved some celebrities and athletes (including some U.S. Olympians). There was a big buildup to one part of the competition, with dramatic music and jazzy graphics, ending with the title of the competition in big letters spread across the screen:


I never could figure out what the heck they were trying to say, I just had the giggles for a while. While I missed the big reveal, I did get a few images of the title in other graphics:



Is it a typo or an example of strange usage, of borrowed English distorted beyond the original meaning? Maybe it doesn’t matter, and one should simply sit back and enjoy the absurdity.


January 2nd, 2009 2 comments

Would you buy discount goods from a kind-of-anatomically-correct naked pig wearing a necktie?


The “DS” is not Nintendo, is stands for “Discount Store.” And don’t ask me what the deal with the pig is. (Photo of a shop awning on Yamanote Blvd. west of Ikebukuro.)


December 22nd, 2008 Comments off

Sachiko wanted to find a nice anagram for her new name, so we went to to see what we could find. Nothing right away, but then we tried my full name. A lot of good stuff came up, like “Uh, Nasalize Porn,” “Zonal Hernia Pus,” and “Aloha, Prize Nuns!”

My personal favorite: “Anal Hero Unzips.” Priceless.

Categories: The Lighter Side Tags:

Scare the Crap Out of Conservatives

December 22nd, 2008 Comments off

Have a conservative friend that you enjoy scaring with things that they will obviously interpret in the worst possible way based upon their prejudices and fears? Then show them this:

Especially good if they live in Arkansas, where all those dots seem to be going. The video plays erratically while loading, so play it through a second time for a smoother result, else stop it at first and set back to the start, waiting for it to finish before playing in full. Via Andrew Sullivan.

Categories: Social Issues, The Lighter Side Tags:

Master of Unseemliness

November 22nd, 2008 Comments off

You wouldn’t think that Sarah Palin could get much worse than repeatedly crowing about saying “thanks but no thanks to Congress for the Bridge to Nowhere” after it was so painfully demonstrated that she lobbied for it and then kept the money after it was killed. You’d think that she’d have a hard time topping the $150,000-plus shopping spree followed by her denial that she was involved in an inventory as she went home to do an inventory. You’d think that she could hardly be more tone-deaf than to claim that she was cleared and vindicated when a bipartisan committee found that she had abused her power, then crowed about how her own hand-picked team of cronies exonerated her. One would think it very difficult indeed to get be more politically inappropriate than to claim that proximity to Russia gave her foreign policy credentials worthy of a president, or not to be able to name a single newspaper or magazine that she read. And so on and so forth, you get the idea.

But Palin, it seems, is the gift that just keeps on giving. The Rising Star of the Republican Party had a PR event in Wasilla today as she used her powers as governor to grant full amnesty and pardon to a Turkey:

Now, this is usually an event to show how soft-hearted a political executive is, how merciful and loving they are. You know, the turkeys get to retire to a petting zoo, and the kids get to go “ooh!” and “ahh!” at the sweetness of it all.

So it probably doesn’t speak too greatly of her political acumen when she decides to treat the kiddies to her follow-up interview… in front of a pen full of turkeys with a guy slaughtering the birds over a blood-soaked killing trough. I kid you not:

Yep. That’s Sarah, just after the turkey in the background stops struggling in the slaughtering funnel, as the guy with the blood-stained trousers looks back at Palin and the camera–she says, “Certainly we’ll even invite criticism for doing this too, but at least this was fun!”

You can’t buy publicity like that. Chiefly because no one would want it.

Oh, Sarah, please run for president in 2012!

Shiba Inu Puppy Cam

November 13th, 2008 2 comments

Sachi and I found this several days ago, and I have seen it mentioned in more and more blogs and news stories. Apparently, it’s become a mini-craze, or at least a viral video, though this is streamed video. Someone in San Francisco has a Shiba Inu who had a litter of six puppies, and set up a video camera over the puppies’ sleeping box. And since Sachi just adores Shibas, especially Shiba puppies, this channel has been getting a lot of play in our household.

If you missed their younger days (they are currently five weeks old), you can view their previous videos on the main site. But here’s the feed, usually on the air during daytime hours in the U.S.:

A few images from the past for a sample:



When I last checked several days ago, just under a million views had been recorded; now it’s up to 1.75 million. I have to wonder if Shiba Inus, a less-known breed in the U.S., might get a big surge in popularity after this.

Categories: The Lighter Side Tags:

Don’t Get All Sentimental, Now

October 25th, 2008 Comments off

Some Engrish seen on the undershirt of a tough guy ordering lunch at Subway:



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An Example of the Shining Intellect of Republicans

September 20th, 2008 3 comments

Do you remember this guy on the right? Gabriel Schwartz. An attorney, and a “fixture in Colorado Republican politics,” he was an acting GOP delegate for the state of Colorado. He was interviewed for LinkTV, and he said some really hardcore right-wing stuff, delivered with an arrogant, smug, self-important grin. I forget where I saw this interview, but I remember it pretty well–he kind of personified unrestrained, uninhibited right-wing ideology–kind of what you would expect a neocon to say when under sodium pentathol or something. Watch the interview:

Here’s a transcript of the first half:

Hamilton: What is your vision for change under a John McCain administration?
Schwartz: Less taxes and more war.
Hamilton: Less taxes and more war?
Schwartz: More war.
Hamilton: So, where should the United States bomb next?
Schwartz: Iran, baby!
Hamilton: Why? Why should we bomb Iran?
Schwartz: To protect Israel.
Hamilton: So you think Iran is threatening Israel right now and the US should intervene on behalf of them?
Schwartz: Absolutely. Or Israel do it themselves.
Hamilton: So what would that look like, what would a war on Iran look like?
Schwartz: Hopefully, just bomb the hell out of them from the sky, no troops.
Hamilton: Um, are you worried about the escalating costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars? I mean, how would we pay for our war on Iran?
Schwartz: We should plant a flag. Take the oil, take the money. We deserve reimbursement.

That pretty much says it all, doesn’t it?

Well, it turns out not. While this may be old news, it is still quite a thing to behold. Just a few hours after the interview, Schwartz met a good-looking lady in a hotel bar who introduced herself to him. He asked her to go up to his room, and she agreed. She told him to get undressed, and she would mix some drinks. That’s the last thing he remembered, as the knockout drugs took effect. When Schwartz woke up, $120,000 of his money and belongings were gone. Schwartz disputes that report as inaccurate. Not the part about the woman, but about the amount. He says it was only $50,000 worth of stuff that was stolen.

Which makes it all much more understandable. The haul, according to police, included “a $30,000 watch, a $20,000 ring, a necklace valued at $5,000, earrings priced at $4,000 and a Prada belt valued at $1,000, police said. … Aside from the watch, ring, necklace, earrings and belt, Schwartz also reported a $1,000 purse or wallet, a $1,500 cell phone, $500 in cash and a couple of rings worth $50 had been taken.” What the hell, is this guy an attorney or a jewelry salesman? Who the hell brings along $50~120,000 in money and jewelry to a political convention? And how did the police report get this all wrong? They just write down what the victim says; when he said “$10,000 watch,” did the police officer inflate it to $30,000? That’s kind of strange.

In any case, you’ve got to admit that the irony is dazzling. The woman took his advice: she planted her flag and took the money. She deserved reimbursement. Didn’t she?

And really, this serves as a pretty good metaphor for the whole country. Liquored up, we see these Republican candidates who talk pretty to us. We vote for them, inviting them to run the nation for us, and the next thing we know, all of our money is gone and we’re sitting there stripped naked, feeling like idiots.

Schwartz’s sum-up of his experience? “I used poor judgment.” No shit, Sherlock. You’re a McCain delegate. The question is, can the country show slightly better judgment this November? Let’s hope so.

Categories: Political Ranting, The Lighter Side Tags:

It’s Funny Because It’s True

September 7th, 2008 21 comments

I just love this caption. From Kiko’s House:


That pretty much sums it up. And talk about being prettied up for show. How much you wanna bet that suit’s fresh off the rack and paid for from a political fund somewhere? And I’m sure he has always worn a flag pin everywhere he goes. Some talk about shotgun marriages–I think the lucky kid has found himself a gravy train.

Categories: The Lighter Side Tags:


August 30th, 2008 2 comments

It’s a little hard to say exactly what McCain is looking at here. But it’s hard to imagine that he’s looking at something else, particularly with his beauty-queen fixation. Even if it’s not what it seems, it’s still funny creepy as hell.

Categories: Election 2008, The Lighter Side Tags:

Accidental Truth in Reporting?

August 20th, 2008 2 comments

C&L covers what could be a typo in an AP story about Veep speculation:

Surprisingly, the typo is still up there as of this publishing; the AP must not be paying much attention today.

Categories: The Lighter Side Tags:

Your iPhone Can Kill You!

August 19th, 2008 Comments off


Here’s a video from Comedy Central, a recent “Threat Down” from the Colbert Report. While #1 is about the iPhone (with a zinger aimed at the Zune), the entire list is just great–I had Sachi wondering why I was slapping my knee over here.

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Blast from the Past

August 13th, 2008 Comments off

I photographed this housewife’s pot holder in rural Japan back in 1983:


It should be noted that in Japanese, the word for “cook” (the person, not the action), borrowed from English, is homophonous with the word “cock.” Ergo the likely cause of the mistake.

No Stoping Either

August 3rd, 2008 3 comments

From a local Ikebukuro street:


Categories: iPhone Blogging, The Lighter Side Tags:

It’s Time, For Some Campaignin’

July 17th, 2008 1 comment

JibJab has outdone themselves. This may not be their funniest (though it is pretty damned funny), but they have turned the Flash video into something of an art form. The musical number s flawlessly performed, and by the time you get to the part where people are marching to the ritual performed every four years, you get the sense of real artwork being performed.

Others you have probably seen over the past few years but may want to rewatch: 2-0-5, Big Box Mart, Nucking Futs, This Land, and Second Term.

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